The Next Chapter

Logan Deyo
2 min readDec 13, 2019


Just a wee little lad — August 20, 2004

Six years ago, I was homeless, living out of a hotel with my mom. Trying to get through high school, working a dead-end part-time job that thought they were going the extra mile by paying ten cents over minimum wage.

Four years ago, my guidance counselor and assistant principal called me into their respective offices to tell me to not, “waste my time applying to college,” because there wouldn’t be a chance I’d get in, and if I did, I, “wouldn’t have the work ethic to complete it.”

Two years ago, I quit my retail job, had less than $200 in the bank account and no plan. Just a passion to pursue working for myself full-time.

Today, I graduate from VCU with a bachelors degree, traveling and experiencing new places across the world, and growing my own company.

I’m beyond blessed to be in the position I am today, and especially thankful to the people that have taken a chance on me and given me the opportunities they have in the last couple years. Wouldn’t be where I am without them. My life has changed in unimaginable ways these last few years and I sometimes forget how crazy it can be.

Push through the hard times, the kids making fun of you, your parents having insane expectations, and just fucking go for it. Opportunities are everywhere today, but it’s way too easy to get caught in the noise.

Focused now more than ever on continuing to grow as a person and learning from those around me. Don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know it’s going to be good.

